Clean Up the World Ethos

Clean Up the World Ethos 

Clean Up the World Members agree to honor the spirit of the Clean Up the World ethos when participating in and conducting campaign activities. 

Members must be:

•Committed to making a positive difference to the community and environment: activities should be inspiring, engaging and respectful of the local community.

•A volunteer movement: people cannot be charged to be involved in activities nor can activities be conducted for commercial or financial gain. 

•Committed to the safety of volunteers: activities must be carried out in accordance with the local laws and regulations relevant to the activity. 

•Uniting communities as part of a global campaign: participants must respect the presence and activities of other participants in their proximity. 

•A non-confrontational and apolitical organisation: participants and activities must be peaceful and without political connection, content or bias. 

•Welcoming to communities of all nations, cultures, races and faiths: participants and activities must respect political, cultural, and religious differences and beliefs. 

•Non-partisan: participants and activities must not promote partisan, political, cultural or religious viewpoints, or imply endorsement of partisanship by Clean Up the World.

Any failure to honor this ethos will result in withdrawal of Clean Up the World's membership status and support. 
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